and through the wire...

By hesscat

Twenty Stone Pilots

Some years ago, when Ms H started exploring more alternative music, she introduced us to Twenty One Pilots. In the beginning, I could never remember their name and given there was already a band called Stone Temple Pilots, I was always calling them some mix of all those words.

They are a two-some from USA formed in 2009. There's been a number of artists Ms H has played for us and I doubt we'd have heard of any of them otherwise, but they are all big name artists doing massive tours around the world.

Anyway, after repeated playing in the car resulting in a lot of the bands growing on us, a lot, we've managed to go to their shows, but all except Twenty One Pilots, who are probably my favourite of Ms H's bands, and I do often choose to put their music on myself! I must have played their last album on repeat time after time while I was working in the attic... oh yeah, I forgot about the attic.

So tonight they were at the SSE Hydro and we'd got Ms H and Mr A tickets for their Christmas, and 2 for us too... in a different section not to embarrass them. We've all been really excited to see them and despite only being 2 of them (not 21), one (excellent) drummer and another multi instrumentalist/vocals, they didn't disappoint, they were fab. The blip is them having returned from the bridge that took them over the crowd to a small stage at the back of the theatre.

They must be the last of Ms H's bands we've been waiting to see and we'd go seem them again at the drop of a hat.

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