Liesl snored all night, Mike was sick and we got woken by Jo saying "girls it's 8.15". Panic. I slept fairly rubbish but oh well. Got ready in time for breakfast. We then had prayer cells and Mel, Clare and I realised we already know everything about what's going on in our lives so we had to wait until Est came (she went to see Mumford the night before). We knitted whilst waiting. We had good chats when she got there and prayed. Then Johnny did his last session. They have literally been so good.
Us Relays had a chat about study week and we decided to go to Rora, which is exciting because I feel like I haven't been in ages. Two birds with one stone really. We had lunch and a Team picture, tidied up and got a lift back.

I was so tired but I only had time for a 20 min snooze before Emma picked us up for the carol service. We got free mulled wine and nibs... I didn't stop talking. Slightly over tired I think. The carols were good, it was sooo long though and I'm not really a fan of carols so I decided to make it as fun as possible and literally sing my heart out and try and sing all the harmonies with the choir. Yeah, apparently I can sing really loud, I think I deafened Lee who was sitting in front of me. My voice hurt after.

Emma came back for some dinner as she didn't have food at home so I made a curry and we chatted. Katie popped round after Alpha and we had tea and watched some more Summer heights. I am SO tired now.

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