In Brief, for once...

By JaxI

Finger Lickin' Christmas

Often people ask, "do they celebrate Christmas in Japan?". Of course they do. Just like any country there are a few true believing Christians here too, who celebrate Jesus' birth in churches with carols etc in a similar fashion to my home country. Then there is the Christmas of the temples of shopping, with sparkly red green and gold gift wrapping everywhere , although gift giving is pretty much limited to children and couples, apart from in the confectionery industry.

But here is one of the unlikely symbols of Christmas to the Japanese: the chart showing the peak chaos times predicted at Kentucky Fried Chicken during the Christmas season!!

Turkeys are not traditionally readily available in Japan, so the Japanese associate chicken with Christmas meal, which is usually eaten on Christmas Eve. And KFC has been styling itself as the traditional Christmas food for decades.

I think this one day a year keeps the company afloat throughout thd year.

Fun facts you'd never imagine if you hadn't lived in Japan!

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