
I've got a dose of the common cold.

Which one of the 200 possible viruses has caused it?

My only symptom is nasal congestion.

Not to worry.

The penultimate week of term, we're all still working hard and that will be the case all the way to the last day.

It's easier for us and for the pupils and, let's face it, why we're here.

Having said that, there is a slight mellowing in all members of the school population which is making things more pleasant.

My list of things to do pre-Christmas is growing - still to get jabs for Uganda, buy this, paint that, fix the other...

Too mild today....and wet...rain got where it shouldn't on the cycle to work which meant standing bum side on to the hand dryer to dry some sodden underwear. I always seem to have spare except when I need it....

Too much information?

I should have seen this cold virus coming, or is it some sort of play ball? Another prep-room found item!

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