Choose Joy

By Energia

I wasn't hitting on him

I had a wide lens on my camera last week but couldn't fit this all in with 12mm APCS. The man in the photo, Greg, suggested a fisheye. I know it is "wild Weds" not "wide Weds" but I couldn't walk Samuel far this morning. He is high or in pain from his dental surgery. 

I've actually posted this entrance before, long ago, ( but this is quite a different perspective with the fisheye. 

On the train there was a neat looking man and I was struck and looked again. Then I felt I should explain why I was looking at him. Then I felt I should explain that I'm into photography now and hope I hadn't made him uncomfortable. It turns out he sometimes models. I don't think he was uncomfortable. :-)

Finally, had a great time answering questions from my friend's class in Texas. Ah the power of technology. We got to interact directly through Skype. I brought a co-worker to answer the hard questions. They were really fun. They wanted to know what it was like traveling to these countries, which ones I'd most like to go to again, what the best power source is for a poor country, how renewable energy helps countries, and what it is like to be a woman doing this. 

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