One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Mixed reaction

The level of enthusiasm for the normally short walk from the Dart station to school was varied, to say the least.

At least it afforded Mimi a distraction from the overcrowded colonies of butterflies living in the pit of her stomach.
She is a nervous wreck at the thought of the Christmas concert later on.

Poor thing, she can suffer from debilitating bouts of stage fright.

I told her to treat the audience as one big body instead of a group of individuals.
Or to concentrate on the one person in the room more worried than herself: yes, Mum.
That made them laugh. We always have a laugh at Mum's expense, and her almost superhuman ability for worrying.

She was surprisingly relaxed eight years ago though.
But it has to be said that our wedding was the most relaxed I've ever been to.
Happy anniversary Chica! You can unclench your butt now. Mimi is off the stage, and she did well. I'm sure she did.

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