An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Teeny Tiny Party Shoes...


These cute little shoes were given to me by Jo on Saturday night. She brought a pair for each of us as a little gift to remind us of her - small, pretty and fun! :-))

Should have been at the dentist today but woke up at 5.30am feeling terrible. Yes, the horrible cold that Alan came home from school with yesterday had worked its magic on me too.

So, Alan and I spent a pretty miserable day sneezing, coughing, blowing noses and looking at each other sympathetically through watery eyes. Still, if we have the lurgy now, hopefully we'll be clear of it at Christmas :-)

Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments, stars and hearts on yesterday's blip. I was completely blown away by them. You are a generous and lovely lot and I will get around you individually xxx

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