The essence of the mess

By SunkeneyedGirl

Why, oh why are the roads so bendy? Why do they have other cars on them?

In the morning, the mountain, that bloody mountain, the one I don't like very much, the one that follows me around like a millstone - only bigger - was possibly about as beautiful as it could ever be. Covered in snow, sparkling in the pale sunlight and shrouded in a wispy shawl of clouds. I almost forgave it there and then for plaguing me so.
And it just so happens, that I would have been close enough to get a reasonable picture of all this, but - there is always a but - I was driving, and the roads, of course, were bendy and slightly slippery and everyone seemed to be in a horrible rush to get somewhere and so I couldn't stop. Meh. The best, absolute best view, of course, would have been from the middle of a roundabout that just happens to be at the top of a hill... More meh...

Meh-ing merrily to myself - or not - I continued down the road, which becomes very bendy at this point, only to see a buzzard. A honey buzzard. Closer than I have ever seen a honey buzzard before. On the ground, at the side of the road. So close I wondered whether or not it was injured. But of course, being on a bend, with a line of cars behind me and several lorries coming up the other way, I couldn't stop. More meh.

All I have, therefore, is yet another sunrise from the bus stop at 7.30...
Blame the bends in the road.


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