today is the first day...

By firstday

Chikin? We love chikin!

Can you spot who shares with the dogs? Lovely to have her home.

So apologies for the graphic description. Smear test day today, that and the mahoosive needle I get monthly to shut down my ovaries. Turns out I know the temporary nurse. Did i want to go ahead? I didn't see why not. I. Mean it's in the news that youngsters aren't going out of embarrassment. It's just another body part to them...Well it's a well known fact that chemo causes hairloss...everywhere. But it comes back. And this particular lady garden is a bit wild. It's a nice side effect of chemo. Anyhoo job got done, I was duly stabbed and came home after a chuckle with the nurse. All a bit innapropriate, but as I said. I know her...

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