Trust worthy face!!

I wanted to take Bella back to Standen House today but just as we were all ready and in the car, I realised I had lost my NT card.... probably on yesterday's walk. It was in my inside pocket with my phone so probably pulled it out with my phone without realising.

So I took Mr Ws card with me and explained to the man on the gate and he said I had a trusting face!!!

Bella did well in the mud... she hates mud! And the doggie sausage in my pocket helped with her jumping up at the back of my legs...I think she does it for reassurance then once I turn round and head back from where we came, she stops doing it.

Anyway, we had a good walk in the sun, wind and rain, back to sun again and Bella was totally filthy by the time we got back to the car. The car was then totally filthy.

Oh the joys of owning a dog in the winter!!!

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