Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Fading beauty

The morning started lovely and sunny, so when I was out walking Murdoch my friend phoned and said instead of meeting for a coffee in the village let's rather go to RHS Wisley as it was such a nice day. When we got to Wisley it was no longer sunny and was quite fresh. 

I loved their carpets of crocuses growing on the lawn, as per my extra. Sadly most of my bulbs have been eaten by the bloody squirrels, so I only have odd clumps of flowers coming up. We asked the Wisley gardener how they avoid this problem (my friend was convinced they shoot them as you never see any squirrels when you are there!) and he said that by planting them under the turf this prevents the squirrels from eating them. They planted many tulips one year for a tulip display, but it was so destroyed by badgers that they have not repeated that.

I have so enjoyed seeing other images of fading tulips on Blip that I decided to photograph my dying tulips - they take on the strangest shapes and look like something completely different. I think the Flower Friday hashtag has already been used last month so Biker Bear may have  a problem selecting the images.

Gavin arrived home from LA at lunch time, it was nice to see him again. Now I am finishing making my food in preparation for tonight's quiz and indoor picnic supper.

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