Another of my left...

...handed paintings, since I injured my right hand which has almost healed now. It just needs a bit of padding against knocks.

I think this is the fourth one I have done.

I used children's gel paint pens because I cannot bold a paint brush to do painting with paint (partly arthritis, partly because left hand has never drawn or painted before). But crayoning as a child would is really good. It is satisfying.

Also I found some old ArtKure watercolour brushes which have the paint in the barrel of the brushes, they are a bit like brushes to do sumi-e with. And the left hand is not controlling this brush to draw/paint the lines in the same way as my right hand draws, because the left hand doesn't have the preconceived ideas that the right hand does. The watercolour brush tip touches the paper and makes its own mark.

Whereas in the past when I tried to use these ArtKure watercolour brushes with my dominant right hand, I was trying to 'control' it too much and not allowing the brush itself to create. And I abandoned them.

It sounds like I am talking nonsense here, or I am going round in circles trying to work out how I can draw a fairly decent face with my non dominant left hand for the first time ever. And I am unable to do a face like that with my dominant right hand. It doesn't make sense.

I think my dominant right hand normally draws without 'seeing' so to speak. So it doesn't do a good one, it just draws an eye. Whereas the left hand let the ArtKure watercolour brush just flow to do the eye (and the face). It didn't try to actually draw the eye.

Oh well, I had better shut up trying to explain. I am going to try some more of this with my left hand. See what happens.

Thank you for looking in and your kind comments and love.
Take care x

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