Blipping the lights fantastic!

Not a good day blipwise!

Slept in until 7.30 this morning. Cooker repair man arrived at 8.10 and fixed the oven. Result!

Had morning tea with Joyce and caught up on all her news. Off to M and S for our weekend meal deal and it was so busy. Bought some picnic food and headed up towards Thornhill. Pretty dismal day but we did see some pinkfooted geese. My shots of them were rubbish.

Later this afternoon we popped in to see Ali and Euan. When we arrived Euan was waving from his bedroom window. We had to go up and see his new bed which he will hopefully sleep in tonight!! He was doing some of his gymnastic moves on it when we were in :) :) No luck there for my blip either.

So in sheer desperation ......abstract Christmas tree lights!

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