
Finally she's back!! Not seen her for ages but it really made me smile when I saw her coming. She proper bombs it towards me, doesn't give a toss about other people coming and going, just dodges in between. I took a close up of her helping herself but I sort of like it when she does that whole curious stare (which mostly I think says 'put the camera down and hurry up with the nuts').

Go Large if you fancy!

Collected my Christmas cards on the way home tonight... I usually make mine but this year I decided that I just couldn't be bothered so I bought some apt charity ones after resisting the urge not to send any so I'm in my PJs and parked in my sitting room, surrounded by Christmas lights and candles and I'm writing my cards. Obviously I'm writing a list first, you can't write cards with no list... that's the law! I'm glad I put my tree up, it's making me feel a little more Christmassy. If I had any wine, I'd be having a glass! Maybe tomorrow!

It's a miserable night, am sorry not to have been up for the blipmeet but when I came out of the office at 5pm I knew coming home was the right choice since it's pissing down. I'd like snow if anyone has a direct line to the powers that be. Sorry to those out in it tonight... hope you're suitably warmed when you get home!

Thank you so much for your hearts, stars and lovely comments on yesterday's little robin taking him to spotlight, he was in the cemetery again today but didn't get a look in with hungry chops up there! I left a stash of nuts for him though. Again I would like to thank GB and Soos and my Mum and Dad for my early Christmas pressie of the nifty fifty... I adore it!

123 sleeps - can't believe how quickly these are going by!!

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