Fish and chips by the sea

I think that's our favourite night out these days. We have eaten, been to the arcades and are now sitting in the cinema in Cromer waiting for Captain Marvel. I don't know what it's about, but it's part of the night out with the boys so I'm here.

Other than that the day has been relaxed. Jon and I went to North Walsham to buy crickets then to Cromer for a relaxing coffee (I always have tea) and scone in the Mad Hatters cafe. We sat in armchairs by the window and the scones were warm straight out of the oven.

Afternoon I took a walk with dad to my allotment. The hens have started laying and so we had 2 eggs. Dad has completed his first 4days of radiotherapy and looks well. Let's hope he continues the same way. Nice to see them as they will be going back tomorrow.

A bit of craft stuff, made a card and listened to some vinyl. That's it.

Better go, film's coming on. P pa, p pa, p pa p pa pupupa, p pa, p pa p pa p pa....

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