Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff

Merry Christmas

A busy but productive day ended up with the pishing rain.

Just put the weans to bed. A lot of kids won't be put to bed tonight in Newtown CN. USA. Obviously my heart goes out to those parents that have just lost their children and another community bereft but this is combined with sheer anger at this happening again. No doubt the usual apologists will roll out with the usual bullshit platitudes, but I'm sorry you are just wrong. End off. No argument. Yes I'm what they'd call a "liberal", an utterly pissed off and angry one as well.

Elsewhere on the BBC I read that Don McCullin had come out of retirement for one last assignment. Months of reading about the ongoing war in Syria has prompted the 77 year old to go over there and photograph the children. These, he says, are the victims, he was getting tired of the usual pictures of snipers and fighters running through streets. McCullin knows that when the adults are fighting and talking shite the children are doing the dying.

Time for a beer.
Merry Christmas.

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