Shiny shiny bright star...

Today was Eaglesham Primary School Christmas Nativity for P1 and P2. We were allowed to take pictures but advised before they started that we were not allowed to publish the pictures on any websites so.....I have put soft focus on to blot out all the other kids faces and only left my Little Little Star Katie.

They always enjoy and Jessica loved watching every minute of much so that she shouted out right at the start!! hehe x

Why is it in the run up to Christmas the kids seem to stress you out? or is it just me?????

Johnny has had his Beaver Christmas party tonight too....Santa might have sore ears they were that loud.

In the morning Johnny and Daddy are going down to Rouken Glen so that Johnny can join the Busby Boys football club....he is well excited!

The we are off to Aviemore to overnight and then on Sunday we are going on the Santa Express!!!!!! Well excited.

As we are away I may not blip until Sunday evening so I hope you all enjoy your weekend and I promise to catch up soon.


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