Drying its wings
The tide was right to go to Southend of Snells Beach this morning and see waders. Most prolific were the white faced herons. Shortly after I arrived, and was still quite some distance away from the herons, one more flew in. Whereupon it was immediately attacked by one already there, even though there was ample room for all. The incumbent flew 10m or so and then ran at the incomer with wings extended and flapping.
My first photo was very blurry, but represented accurately the chaos. The second and last attempt was less blurred, but still unclear, so I have left both in Photos.
Towards the end of my time down by the water, I saw two Kawau paka (the little pied shag). One was all black; I know it was a juvenile Kawa paka rather than a Kawau tui (little black shag) because of the colour of the beak (yellow), and the chest feathers were not the intense black of the Kawau tui. The adult adopted the classical pose for me.
Later, the immediate families from yesterday went to lunch at Brick Bay winery, and sculpture park. After a pleasant meal, we walked around the outdoor sculpture gallery. One of the first sculptures is in a small lake by the restaurant, and I have included a photo of it as my first extra. Called Phantom Fleet Vessel (sculptor Virginia King), it is close to the restaurant which can be seen behind the sculpture. The second extra was taken from in the restaurant, of two Welcome Swallows resting on the sculpture.
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