Sorting things out

This used to be Zebedee’s room, we’ve been moving things around in the house, Z has a bigger room and so does Gulli, I bought this bed on Facebook marketplace for £30 today to go with our single mattress, We’ve designated our smallest room a store room as we don’t have a garage or an attic so Max and I spent a couple of hours sorting through things and moving things around.... having actually got a bed set up here is a major achievement although the picture is quite boring! I’m starting to feel really void about the house after years of feeling overwhelmed by all the clutter... still lots to do but it feels manageable now.

Max and I haven’t felt very well today so a day pottering about was good. Watched another Star Trek movie with Gulli and finished The Sinner series 1 which was really good.

Also did some sewing....

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