Tales of a bedbound mum

By Bedbound

Dear Santa

A isn't very pleased with this Robin, she said it has gone wrong, and she got quite upset over it. But I love it. She was meant to be writing her Christmas list for Santa but because we can't afford what she wants she said she doesn't want to write a list. - it's a talking doll thing and a few things from the myriad catalogue she is after...

Had a terrible night call tonight, the planner had only assigned me one carer, so one of the others who was on her night off, and was just settled down with a mug of tea in front of the fire for emerdale came to help out. The carer who was here was in a hurry anyway because she has extras due to sickness, guess she is going to have a long night!

Had a ok day generally today, managed to eat a little bit better, certainly not in as much agony.. But need rest after an exhausting couple of hours!

The rain was awful today so S and A didn't go to town so they haven't got A's weekend reading .

S has just taken a photo of the water coming through his bedroom wall, the landlord says its condensation ....

The sooner we move the better

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