Ambling Camera

By AmblingCamera

Collecting Pollen

Today, the Mistress taking photos was hilarious. She went out and picked some peas this morning out of her garden. She thought it would be a great idea to do some macro work with them on the black background while she had everthing set up. It was not to be. The peas kept running off the background, the cat joined in and wanted to chase them, and ended up ruining the timed exposures. The table shook from the cat and nothing came out focussed. I was having such a good time laughing every time my shutter went!

Unfortunately she got bored and gave up and took me out in the hot sun instead just to get a blip. She found a whole lot of bees on one of her plants so attempted to some. Honestly 100 photos later and still only one was good enough to blip - and then only just!

My poor old silver shutter.

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