Bass Rock from Pittenweem

(or ... When Fergus had a weekend in Pittenweem and the North |East Neuk of Fife)

Apothecary7's car was due its annual service, so like last year we decided to make a weekend of it. A little different this year as we had found out that the car dealer we use has a branch in St Andrews, so we booked a little flat in Pittenweem for the weekend.

Today we drove from West to East, stopping at the Real Food cafe in Tyndrum which is dog friendly, and then at one of our favourite stops the Tufted Duck at Rait Antiques Centre. It was quiet at the Tufted Duck so Fergus got to go in there too.

We stopped in St Andrews for some groceries, which let us check exactly where the car dealer was, then drove the last few miles to Pittenweem.

The flat was right on the harbour with great views over the sea towards North Berwick and the Bass Rock, and to the East we could also see the Isly of May. I took the photo from the bedroom window in the flat.

DC-TZ90  f/6.4 1/125 sec. ISO-250 129mm (35mm focal length 780mm)

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