Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal


Managed to get the car packed and on the road by 7.30 this morning. Glad we made the effort to get up early as the carparks were already getting full by the time we arrived at the NEC. Took Kilda into Crufts and around some of the stalls. She had a great time trying all the samples and even managed to get fed from a fork at one stall. We were due on the Discover Dogs stal1 at 11am and stayed till 3pm. Kilda  was fantastic even when quite a few of the children were hugging and grabbing her. We met lots of people interested in the bread and a few of them came back for a second or even third visit. PB came later in the afternoon to help out as well. Yogi, who won 4thplace in the gun dog group, came over for a visit as well and it was nice to meet his owner as we might try to get one of his puppies for our next dog. By 3pm Kilda was knackered, so we left them to it and headed to my parents. Dad had managed to tape the rugby for me, so I watched the Scotland game I had a ticket for. They played well in places but as normal there were too many mistakes. Had a nice evening in with mum and dad before getting an early night.

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