Pre Sunrise...

Out before sunrise, to start up the Snapper snow thrower to clear the way out of the garden, such as I could drive Mrs B to her office. I do not want to wake up my neighbours that early, but to day I had to. 20 - 30 cm snow arrived last night. The plough tractor had made a barrier in front of our garden as well this morning. Then to my yearly doctor check. Blood pressure and pulse ok. The rest from the blood test remains to be presented. Don`t like this yearly visit, but it is something I have to do. Then I met the mentee to whom I am mentor. Then a late quick lunch before a new round shoveling the garden. Then bringing Mrs B home from her office and serve her supper. Salmon, rice and salad. To it plain water. You may think I am  hen-pecked husband. No if you ask me. I want it myself to fill my working day, as well as getting the feeling I am of use. When weekend comes I too shall deserve a rest to recharge my batteries.     

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