The Elephant In The Room

Warm in the sun - chilly in the breeze - really snell in the wind out of the sun.

SWMBO has not surfaced from her bed today …… migraine brought on yesterday by powerful flashes whilst having the inside of her eyeballs photographed at the hospital (annual check-up) and not helped by the storm bringing a change in air pressure.

Pictures today have been a bit weird/abstract in the main. The main blip was for the camera club's weekly challenge which was 'Get in close and fill the frame with a single colour'.

Speaking of the club, it was still life this evening. 
I took along some random bits I picked up on today's walks, some old oyster shells and a cou0ple of roof slates.

If you want to see the results from today … start here and work through until you reach the elephant.

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