Just a parrot's life

By ellenparrots

Update Tommy

Sorry for being MIA (Missing In Action)
Too much on my mind... and VERY busy ;-))

Update Tommy March 13, 2019: Today we again went to Utrecht to dr. Yvonne van Zeeland from Vogels en Bijzondere Dieren - Faculteit Diergeneeskunde for a check-up. Tommy is being treated with Prednison for weeks now ( he is diagnosed with lymphoplasmacellular gastritis or an infection of the stomach). He is in good condition; she also took blood to see if the infection has limited, check the white blood cells etc. so we will have to wait for the lab results.
He gets these meds at the moment:
Sucralan (stomach protector), 
Prednisolon (reduce the inflammatory)
Bactrimel (anti biotics)
Emeprid(against nauseousness) 
Terbinafine (anti fungus)
Ranitidine (antacid)
Tramadol (painkiller)
I can try to limit the Sucralan and Yvonne suggested to give more painkillers. Because I daily see obsessive behaviour after he ate some or after giving him the Sucralan. This behaviour (see: https://youtu.be/ZK9oLei21x8 ).
As I explained earlier, the stomach infection can be caused (we don't know for sure) by food intolerance. So we constantly are excluing "things" also in his diet. It is very good possible that he cannot handle the substance of the Harisson's pellets so now we are trying the Fiory pellets/pills.
No energy / time for a Dutch version, you can try the translate option on Facebook!
Latest update: https://www.facebook.com/ellen.uittenbogaard/posts/10211175010171626
Diagnose: https://www.facebook.com/ellen.uittenbogaard/posts/10210847000571591
At Vogels en Bijzondere Dieren - Faculteit Diergeneeskunde

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