Walkies and Getting The Chop!

This is how I get my way...Don't tell him!! The correct approach is to plonk my head on his leg and just stare at him...The odd shove seems to get his attention too so we finally went out into the confusion of yet another sporting event in Wanaka so don't even think of bringing your car into town. It was ok to walk tho. Last night he went to a presentation from the local Chamber of Commerce (funny name I think) from a bloke called Tane Hunter from and outfit called "Future Crunch"  This was a not to be missed event and if you really want to know what's happening out there check out the "Future Crunch" website. There is stuff there that you will probably never see on the local broadcast TV.
Errr...where was I...OH YES 
He popped in to see Piano lady today and she was preparing to give some Celery The Chop...The Bossess would have been proud of her as she is madly allergic to the stuff...(Extra) 

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