I found this birthday card for M.'s friend H.
When my Hanullis spotted it, they started to invent and occupate it immediadely. They found books about balance, calm, confidence, peace, laughter, joy, friendship, verve, success, fun, health and cheerfulness.
(Balance, Ruhe, Zuversicht, Friede, Lachen, Freude, Freundschaft, Elan, Erfolg, Spaß, Gesundheit und Heiterkeit)
"We want to have such a bookshelf ourself!", they were wailing.
Now, that's difficult. Let's see....
Reminder for the Tiny People Challenge TiPS.
Have a look here for the entries so far to get an idea.
The tag for March is TiPS31.
You can make as many entries as you like. I'm looking forward to many creative entries of the adventures of all sorts of tiny figures. Have fun!
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