
By JulesB

Mrs Forgetful goes to the beach!

A beautiful but breezy morning today so I decided to get out whilst the sky was blue. Off I set to the squirrel reserve with my camera in hand. The light was beautiful streaming through the pine teas. It was quiet but for the occasional dog walker and the sound of the wind in the trees and the sea in the distance. Unfortunately there wasn't a squirrel in sight, obviously having a lie in today I saw crows, magpies and then one squirrel under a dark canopy of trees so  I set off down to the beach thinking they may be around on my return. I reached the sea and it was wild. Out came the camera and I took several shots then decided to have a quick look to see if they were ok only to see that sad message ' there is no card in the camera'!!!!! Never mind I have a spare in my purse because I have done this before!! Ah purse in car 30 minutes walk away. Very cross I set off back but remembered I still had my phone, so here is today's blip courtesy of my phone. When I arrived home my husband asked where is the camera you left the card on the table! So I even had to confess my stupidity. 

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