A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Lucky find.

Not so lucky this morning as I had to go to the dentist in the next village.
A couple of weeks ago, when at my daughter’s in Bristol, I had a bit of discomfort with one of my teeth. Sure I had an appt. for March I checked when I got home but discovered it wasn’t till next month and on a date when I would be back in Bristol!
Re made my appt. for this morning. I was first in but the trouble with being so early was parking everywhere was  manic because of school drop offs. It wasn’t even particularly near the school where I parked but it was still chaos.   So glad I was able to walk my children to Primary school all those years ago though there were those in the village then who always drove even a small distance.

Typically I hadn’t had any discomfort with my tooth since my return from Bristol but an X Ray did show I needed a filling replaced. Not exactly pleased but at least I wasn’t imagining it.

On my short walk through the children’s park to the Main St where the dentist is located I spotted this decorated rock. I thought it was beautifully done. I saw several in our village a while ago and blipped them, here, the idea being that if you find one you place it somewhere new to be rediscovered. Hope a child finds it next and moves it on.
Haven’t seen any for a while so this was a pleasant surprise. Underneath it was labelled Wilsden Rocks.

A great find for today’s blip so even going to the dentist can be fruitful. Just a shame it’s a red rose and not a white one but I’ll let them off!

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