Dear Heart

By dearheart


I had my final lectures today, and now all I've got is a seminar on Thursday afternoon. Yesterday one of our lecturers sent a plate of Christmas biscuits around the room, and we talked about "falling" with our mouths full of Christmas crumbs.
I always get a bit sad at this point in the term, at the end of things. Perhaps I shouldn't say "end" - there's not much definitive about it. It's more of a petering out of things. I won't be taught by certain lecturers again or see certain people now.
After dropping off and picking up another satchel-full of dusty books, Sian and I ventured towards town. We made snow clouds out of the air, frothy puffs of carbon dioxide rolling out of our hot mouths. We went to Winter Wonderland and drank mulled wine. We sat down in McDonald's and ate Happy Meals.
It wasn't supposed to be special. But everything with Sian feels like a special occasion. Our house is a place where the smallest, most practical activity is an event, because it's done with so much love and attention. Of the past few months I'm blind-sided by this wonderful realisation: our lives are going to be so good. And I don't say that enough. But how many people are lucky enough to find, so early in life, people who make them feel safe and appreciated and giggly and good?
Regardless of mood or money, if the people you love make you happy then each day is an adventure. Even if you only intend on going to the library.

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