Super Exciting!

A number of exciting things happened today! We went for an outing to the village of Kisa, and on the way there we saw an elk!! Well, I was in my crate, but the humans saw it crossing the road in front of us! It’s been years and years since mum saw one up close. The cows are pushing away last year’s babies right now and this was probably one of them. And there was no accident or anything. European elk is the same the American Moose, Alcis alcis. Exciting!

We went for a nice walk around a mountain, and the humans then went to a café and had shrimp sandwiches and princess cake. And guess what? Heidi brought me a doggy bag! Exciting!

When we got back, we went shopping briefly. We even went to the pet store for my food! Then we went walkies in the oak meadows before today’s main event - baking something from the dog cookbook! Banana nut pup cakes! Banana and peanut with cream cheese and banana frosting. I supervised. They were very very delicious. Exciting!

Dolly’s bear Lewis and the two new little poodles that are going back with him to England came to visit me in my bed. Exciting!

Heidi’s Blip:

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