6 years....Blip 2190! and..
...The lady's smock is flowering!
So, today I have managed (apart from 1 small gap in the first week) 2190 consecutive daily blips, that is 6 whole years!! I have to confess this last year has been very tough at times, especially through the depths of winter when there is so little around to blip....but better days are coming, and the full flourish of spring is on it's way, there have been primroses for a while now, but today I saw my first Lady's smock Cardamine pratensis in flower. I think it is my most favorite spring flower, I love not only the colour and it's habit of frothing and foaming along the verges but also the fact that it's arrival heralds the arrival of the Orange tip butterflies!
Thank you everyone who has stuck with me over the last year, this is an amazing place!
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