
By amandoAlentejo

Sutton Coldfield Parish Church

Went out with my son (home from Uni) this afternoon to invite neighbours to our church's Christmas events - people were lovely. This is Holy Trinity Parish church at the top of Trinity Hill; our (Baptist) church is at the bottom of the hill, with the Cristadelphians in the middle. We joke that this is the holy trinity...

This church was first built around 1300, when a royal grant was made, giving the lord of the manor permission to hold a weekly market (on Tuesdays) and an annual fair on the feast of Holy Trinity. Only bits remain from then; the Tower was built in the 15th C, and then, around 1532, Bishop Vesey had a load more bits added (excuse the technical term), and there have been plenty more alterations since then, with another planned for quite soon - that, BTW, looks good.

I especially like the two "Narnia" lamps.

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