All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Helix Junior parkrun

All 3 kids said they wanted to do junior parkrun this morning. So I registered Lucas, we got up early and headed to Falkirk.

Just as it was about to start, the heavens opened. All 3 kids lined up at the start though and I was going to run with Lucas. So, the run commenced. Ethan & Eden started .... Lucas refused to budge, then had a meltdown when he realised everyone else was running and he wasn’t! He still refused to run though, despite me trying to bribe him with an ice cream afterwards if he gave it a go.

So we walked to the half way point (only 10 seconds walk due to the nature of the course), to find Eden approaching in floods of tears, she then abandoned the run. Thank goodness Ethan, at least, finished!

Lucas then demanded his ice cream, despite not having ran a single step! No chance!

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