Double Shot Mummy



Oscar still LOVES cars. Here he is lining up the treasures he found at the park at the bottom of our building! Why are other children's toys always so much more exciting than their own? Oscar and Bailee always want to take a huge list of toys to the park and never play with any of them there!

It is fantastic having a play area so close. I love that the twins are getting to know other children their own age down there and that I can also enjoy a bit of adult conversation (Even if it is always all about the children!)

Bailee is having such a great week since her sleeping time has increased :-) Oscar is being a very good boy not disturbing her when he wake in the morning.... she usually sleeps 1-2 hours longer than him and is much less grizzly because of it! We have cut Oscar's nap down to 30 minutes in the day and Bailee's is 90 minutes.

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