1602. An exciting find....
Phew! What a day I’ve had.....my lovely sister in Australia found this reel to reel tape amongst some stuff that she bought from England to Australia many years ago...I don’t know how on earth this survived not only the journey overground through some very exotic locations on a huge bus....but the many years sitting in a cupboard in Sydney.
She asked someone in Sydney to take a listen to it but they wanted a ridiculous amount of money to transfer it to CD for her....
So I managed to find someone here who would do it for a lot less so it winged its way from Sydney to Scotland a few weeks ago and I took it into the shop yesterday. The lovely chap who did it for me had an old reel to reel tape recorder which he wasn’t sure even still worked! So imagine my surprise when I received a text from the guy this morning telling me that the CD is ready and there’s 25 minutes of recordings on it....plus it cost me very little to get it done....
So....I’ve listened to about 15 minutes of it and I’d hoped it would be my parents who had a machine when we were kids....but I’ve really no idea who it is.... although it may be my brother and his friends...so cue a little detective work and perhaps an online search for some of the people whose names I can hear on the tape....it must have been the late 60’s when it was recorded so a real piece of social history from the Black Country....
I’m going to send the recording to my brother and sister to see if they can shed any light on it!
Watch this space....there may be more to come!
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