An icon and a rainbow

I had meetings in Fife and in Edinburgh today, with two hours in between. I decided to take my camera with me and see if I could get some photos of the Forth bridges. 

I drove over the new Queensferry Crossing for the first time, what a spectacular structure. The cables are enormous when you are driving past them, but they were hardly visible at all in the photos I took from South Queensferry, which I discovered was not the best place to photograph all three bridges.

I knew I wasn't going to get great photos, as it was the middle of the day and the light wasn't great, but it was good to get out in the very fresh air for a while and experiment. The rain started just as I was heading back to the car, and when I glanced across at the bridge there was an incredible rainbow arching over the whole bridge! It was fading even as I was getting my camera out, but you can just about see the full arc in this image, if you look closely.  

Extra is taken from right next to the bridge, and I quite liked the foreshortened image. 

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