The rest of forever...

By DrMac


Crap photo, taken on my iPad in between sucking my thumb and mopping up blood. How can a sliced thumb cause so much blood to flow out!

So. I'll tell you about today as I can't talk to you this weekend- I hope you are having a good time running with the boys in the mountains!

Up. Dog walk. Omelette. Gym. Quick xmas shop. Collected Bex from station. Coffee and cake. Waitrose shop. Drive to jewelry designer to drop off wedding ring to be 'serviced'...feel naked without it so have put £20 titanium ring on! Tesco to buy whole salmon, home, dog walk, poo pick up, tried to mend kennel light which is broken for some unknown reason and i cant mend it! Then made granola, cooked salmon and filleted it and put it in the freezer. Made a glass of mulled wine, ate dinner, now writing to Grandad and wrapping presents. Then...bed by 9pm I hope! ;0)

Miss you. Roll on


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