
By YorkieFife


This (local) house has an impressive display of Chrsitmas lights every year with most years seeing an expansion of what's displayed.

I always enjoy seeing it and the kids enjoy it just as much, so I thought today's blip would be of the lights.

I went for a walk to capture this and set up tripod and realised I'd forgotten to take the remote release. Not to worry, mirror lockup and a delay on the shutter meant I could still make the shot. Careful focussing by using zoomed in live-view and a quick calculation of exposure from the wide-open f4 to get my shutter at f16 and click. Bring the camera home and notice that the lens was still set to auto-focus, so the careful use of live-view was wasted and the terrible performance of autofocus in dim lighting that the 5d2 is notable for struck!

Wasn't willing to go back out again because its too cold and I wasn't wrapped up well enough so was freezing. Oh well. It's not (badly) out of focus, the small aperture helped there, but it's not as sharp as I wanted or would have had if I hadn't missed that little switch on the lens. Ho-hum. Check your focus! ;)

Happy shooting, all.

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