Lucky seven!!!

It was just meant to be, the card shop had seven red balloons all tied and and waiting for someone on their seventh blipday to buy them. Shame it was actually blowing a gale though, Benelia and I had grand plans to go and play with the balloons on the beach, they didn't all make it that far (see extra)

So, urban shots (outside Poundland for extra glamour) and more rural in the grassy bit outside McDonald's where Benelia had a go too. A funny lovely half hour.

I don't like everything about blip these days. I don't like my children won't let me take their photo any more. I don't like that some of my best blip friends are now intermittent or non blippers. And I don't like that I can't take photos of my dad anymore.

But everything changes and moves on she says like the wise philosopher that she is. And I have seven whole years of stuff changing, which is fab. And still lots of lovely people here to chat with. Cheers!

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