An amazingly productive day in the Morgan household today! We all woke up at the same time...enjoyed tea, coffee and milk in bed....before getting up and starting on our jobs for the day. Daddy built Amelie's new bed whilst Amelie 'helped' and Mummy cleaned up in the kitchen. Then Daddy dismantled Amelie's old cot bed whilst Mummy started on the room transformation. A quick breakfast stop and it was back to work. A few trips down to the recycling with a ridiculous amount of cardboard and one trip to the skip later and normal service was resumed and Amelie has a transformed big girl's bedroom! She told me it was beautiful and was in particular, impressed with her new lights that she chose on our last Ikea trip.

We relaxed after our busy day with a bath (well, Amelie and I!) and got our pyjamas on before settling down to watch strictly with a bowl of sausage stovies and some bread and butter.

Here's hoping she likes her new bed and sleeps well in it tonight :)

p.s - Daddy chose today's blip!

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