
By Susanna

Ufo or... what?

The day has been very artistic in many ways. I slept all too long (got up at 11am) and after breakfast I drove to the Artmuseum. There was a fair of Pekka Luukkola, the photographer who's art is play with a long time and contrast of fire etc.

If you want to have an idea of his art, I think one of the photos is here: The name of it, I should remember, is "RowingII". The fires have been attatched to a rowing boat, and the journey is in the photo to be seen in one shot...

Afternoon we went to movie theatre to see the "Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey". As the Tolkien fairytale ended, we had some beef and a small beer - and back home I had an idea of taking some photos... This is the one....

Can you quess, what is it?

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