Christmas MEH!

We don't all love Christmas.
So this is for the people who I know struggle with the enforced celebrations.

A lot of us force ourselves to like it - or pretend to like it - for the sake of others.

I swing between loving it and hating it. But there are elements of it I would like to bottle: pretty lights, wonderful smells, brass bands, candles, and even the chance to spoil a few people. I've always liked the job of choosing presents for people.

I loved the run-up to my childhood Christmases - which always involved lots of music: singing in choirs, playing in orchestras, performances in church, and the rosy cheeks of an audience of parents warmed by sherry and mince pies popping out above their thick winter scarves. And I liked the laid-back, slow day we experienced year after year as children. It seems we simply lounged around farting and watching films and picking at cold turkey. Bliss.

These days I mostly don't enjoy it for myself. This time of year brings bad memories, a sense of impending doom based on more recent experiences, and an almost crazy, driven, other people-centred mission - nicely fired by my anxiousness.

There's always someone suffering or missing these days and having fun doesn't come easily.

There are little parcels, little moments of enjoyment. The odd smell of mixed spice, the occasional tune, the way a candle flickers...
...and the way if you bunch up the words "Merry Christmas" you can spell "MEH"

If you find the expectation of Christmas too much and see a chance to have a small dose of fun, take it.
If I can, anyone can.

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