Things I Learned From Watching Gogglebox Australia

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

We were pretty lazy today. I asked Caro if she wanted to go for a walk. 

"Ahhhh... I feel like we were pretty active yesterday," she said, settling further into the couch. 

So it was another day of telly. To be truthful, I was a little relieved. I think because I'm not used to drinking much at all these days, even a wee bit of wine leaves me very sleepy the next day.

Gogglebox Australia is one of our favourites. We find we actually like the families and have decided they would be our mates. Today they were watching "Highway Patrol Australia" which (they informed us) should actually be renamed "Catching Bogans".

The stories featured on the show do include a lot of people driving Holden Commodores, being pulled over four times over the limit. One guy was involved in an accident with another car, driving 77kph in a school zone because he'd run out of smokes.

"I think those are the lyrics to a traditional Australian lullaby," commented one of the Goggleboxers.

Another show they watched was about American vets. One of whom performed an episioplasty on a dog. It wasn't a cosmetic procedure, the dog needed it done, but apparently it's quite a common plastic surgery.

"It's called a Designer Vagina," commented one of the women viewers, "I'm really interested in this."

"It makes me feel funny in my hoo-ha," said one of the others.

So it has been an educational day today. And I got to enjoy it with our own resident Sphinx by my side.


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