Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Beeing a Bee

The pollen is tremendous here now.  Most of the trees are bursting out with new growth and their spring flowery pollen filled fruit or whatever it is called.  The pine trees are really full of pine flowers too!   I can't even see through the window of the car as it is covered with so much pollen.

This seemed to happen overnight!   Nature is sneaky that way.

This azalea is still full of blooms and the bees love it.   Seeing more and more flowers on the other bushes every day.    

I worked on a plan for the size of the my new flower bed.   I need to get to the garden center now to get some potting soil, compost and mulch.   It has turned just a little cooler this week so the plants I bought yesterday are on the window ledges getting sunshine.   Maybe by the weekend I will have the bed ready for planting. 

Hope everyone has had a good weekend!

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