campervan man

By campervan

Whats wrong with the dogs?

A bit of a  messed around day today
I was woken up by the three dogs combined barking this morning. Got up and let them out for a wee, it was a beautiful morning so I fed them and was about to start the normal chores, make the tea, empty the dishwasher, clean the fire etc when I noticed the time. It was almost 6.45 am!!!
Well I decided to ignore the evidence of the clock and relied on the bright sunshine to continue my morning tasks. Discussed the day with wife one over a cup of tea and we were arriving at Holcombe well before 9.00 where it was blowing a real hoolie. All would have been well if W1 had not got a call about one of her patients who had some new problems and needed to be hospitalised. 
Well that was the end of the walk but it was the start of several hours in the garden for me. The onions planted, a row of spuds in, a Polly tunnel bed cleared, prepared and a couple of rows of beetroot planted and a dozen seed trays planted. I harvested seeds from last year’s flowers and these were what I put in the trays. Not sure if they will succeed but it will be an interesting experiment.
Wife one finally got back in the late afternoon, just in time for a pre dinner drink and a relax in front of the log burner. Greatly appreciated

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