
By feefifofum

Last one standing.

Or sitting, I should say.

Nothing cooler than being the only person in the library at 9pm on a friday night, at least they've attempted to make it look festive!

Nice wee day, I use the term "day" liberally. Steady morning with some lovely easy going radiographers and some very lovely chatty patients, a cinnamon and raisin scone (yes, another one...) and getting sent away at half 2, cause the student co ordinator felt sorry for me having to do a full day. To be fair I was having to make the half day up due to my unscheduled half day for quality time with Erin and her stomach contents (hope you like that one Ez :P ) so I have no guilt is skimping the half day.

Back to the flat for a MUCH needed afternoon zzzz. I must have needed it, cause I woke up feeling AMAZING compared to the usual - seemed like a really good idea at the time but now feel awful- naps. Phone call with mother RE Christmas, I am yet to buy a single present, or even have any idea what to buy, the least organised I have ever been!

Then after an early tea off to the library for an evening of work and planning for my day trip tomorrow...EEE.

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