Red Squirrel


My Best Effort ... Sorry!

Today I've felt like shit horrible. There's a rotten virus thingy going around at work, people are dropping like flies, and it's finally nabbed me . Cold/flu capsules seem to have helped little :(
Thursday I had so many long spells of violent sneezing that by late afternoon I had a splitting headache from all the head jolting (I did try to keep my head still but that's impossible!) and my nose was streaming resulting in it becoming hot, sore and red raw. Yesterday the sneezing subsided, as did the streaming nose which became blocked so I couldn't breathe properly and I ended up with a hot, dry throat from breathing through my mouth! I was so shattered last night that when I got to bed I slept for over 9 hours (I'd taken a cup of water with me, so when I woke a few times coughing from the raging throat, a quick mouthful of that did the trick and I was able to get back to sleep quickly). If I hadn't needed to feed Tom and the cat I'd have stayed in bed - I really didn't want to get up! But I had to.
Today's been the aching all over part, at least my nose is partially clear now.
I needed to get my outside lights up this weekend - I'm out most of next Saturday, I can't do it then. So this afternoon I wrapped up well, plodded on and managed to get 3 sets up. 2 more to do tomorrow and everything's done. Phew.
I've had little thought of what to blip, so decided to do a shot of the pear shaped glass lights I've trailed through my Hardy Hibiscus which I can see from my kitchen window. It's my best effort, but at least it's a blip.

I'm praying I've pretty much shaken this off by Monday - I have an important job interview at work and need to be clear minded for that!

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