Things that make me smile

By sarahhallett

Christmas Shopping

I have smugly finished my Christmas shopping, but my husband has not. He announced this morning that he felt he should 'start' his (well there is 9 more shopping days to go, so best to be organised?!) When Amy heard this she thought it would be a good idea for her and James to join him, as they too hadn't started theirs!

Now I could have had a lovely peaceful afternoon on my own, but I know how tired both Amy and James are at the moment and how much Mark hates shopping. So I could see this all going pear shaped and if it did, my Christmas wish list would get forgotten and goodness knows what would be purchased!!

So selfishly I offered to tag along for the bus ride, and 'disappear' when they wanted to purchase certain things! It worked well, as both kids were 'delicate' and often needed to be separated, and Mark seemed to be carrying the right bags on the way home.

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